The Infamous 3 Trade Deal
Trying A Winning Set-Up Again- A trading stle for all you weak@ Heart
How Modern Stoicism Will Weaken You.
The Global Impact of Shifting Demographics
A War for Control of the Planet
Vanishing Point - The Strange Demise of the Man Who Had It All
What is Surf Torture at BUD/S?
There Will Be Blood
Stupid is as Stupid Does
“How much you truly “believe” in something can be manifested only through what you are willing to risk for it.”
“Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.”
“For studying courage in textbooks doesn’t make you any more courageous than eating cow meat makes you bovine
How I will survive WWW3
“If you do not take risks for your opinion, you are nothing.”
The Fed Loses $100 Billion A Year; What Happens When Central Bank Goes 'Bankrupt'?