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Writer's pictureMarcus Nikos

How Modern Stoicism Will Weaken You.

I don't consider myself a stoic

anymore modern

stoicism is a problem stoicism tells you

that suffering is necessary in life

okay I agree the problem is not what it

tells you but what it doesn't tell you

but first of all look at the penetration

Modern Stoicism is a Problem


stoicism today it is everywhere on Wastemy life Tube


FakeGram trust me if something is seen

everywhere it is being

Amplified nothing happens organically in

the centralized top down system we live

in today just look at 10 years ago

stoicism was a small

Niche now it's on the way to

mainstream I give you a

warning if something becomes mainstream


you have to be on the watch I explain

Concept of Pain

what is the problem let's look at the

stoicism concept of pain famous stoic

Marcus Aurelius said if you are

distressed by anything external the pain

is not due to the thing itself but to

your estimate of it think about it this

quote says pain is never caused by


factors I beg to

differ here is what I think why do the

suis push stoicism so

much because they want you to accept

pain get used to pain don't question

pain especially the pain they inflicted

and keep

inflicting you saw what happened in the

last years if you look ahead this sui

have lots of pain in their pipeline

believe me ever since World War I they

have used pain to Al the society if you

are distressed by anything external the

pain is not due to the thing itself but

to your estimate of

it a true stoic an orthodox stoic will

always draw the line some pains are

unavoidable because they are part of

Nature and life itself some pains are

avoidable because they are part of a

rotten system A system that keeps you

weak powerless and

dependent this pain and this system has

to be first

circumvented and then

destroyed this brings me to the second

There is no God

problem of modern

stoicism in the stoicism that you get

preached today there is no God there is

no higher

power I remember another ideology that

pushed out God


communism that's why the weak are

pushing the stoic agenda they hate God

they hate higher power because it gives

strength to the people no matter if Rich

or poor God is on everyone's side

if you step away from Evil if you take a

close look into history you see

something interesting there were

influential sto that did not try to

separate God and the sto but to join

forces read Justin marur read

potius they have been silenced do not

Find your Voices

listen to the voices that have been


they will weaken you take your time to

find those voices that have been

silenced those are the voices that will

give you strengths truth is true power

the stoic principles and the power of

God are not opposites but

complimentaries God and resilience is


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