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The Illusion Of External

Writer: Marcus NikosMarcus Nikos

The Illusion Of External

on the captivating journey of

self-discovery we often find ourselves

entangled in a fascinating web of


we look outwards convinced that

acceptance validation happiness peace

and love are beyond our reach

we believe that these precious Treasures

are in the hands of other people's

opinions awaiting their approval

however is true fulfillment woven from

internal threats

consider the intricate part of our


we strive to reach certain Milestones

thinking that through these achievements

an elixir of happiness and Tranquility

will finally Grace our existence

this Quest although sincere Whispers a

profound truth the fabric of our souls

seems incomplete

so we embark on a quest for external

unions looking to romantic partners for

the pieces that will harmoniously piece

together our own puzzle

the illusion that our totality rests on

the other is an enchanting Mirage a

mirage that once deciphered reveals the

fragility of its foundation

in the midst of this contemplative

landscape we discover that the Allure of

external fulfillment is akin to chasing

Shadows cast on shifting Sands

the Crux of the matter lies in the

complexities of the ego a construct

linked to the realm of worldly


this ego craves and collects wealth

intimacy recognition adoration a

dazzling array of life's Treasures

however even though they shine like

jewels in the sun they remain mere

fragments of a greater truth

The crucial point is to recognize that

the ego's quest is an incessant yearning

each acquisition satisfies momentarily

but the echo of the heart asks for more

but true fulfillment escapes the grasp

of external desires

the world can offer its captivating

products but they are threads woven into

a tapestry that remains incomplete

however in the midst of this Perpetual

Pursuit a subtle Revelation awakens

the quest is not inherently wrong

however its goal raises intriguing


could there be a facet within us that

resides Beyond these desires beyond the

tides of impermanence

consider an inner realm that requires no

external sustenance

it is whole complete and radiates

unconditional love

it requires it not because it is

everything but because it encompasses


this Essence shared by the entire

tapestry of humanity beckons by

different names Consciousness Soul or

the indefinable

it exists as the core of existence a

truth Beyond circumstances

the ego however paints a different

picture a gallery of beliefs muttering

that something is wrong

but look closely these are not truths

just Whispers a narrative woven by a

fragment of yourself

imagine a perspective devoid of a you

struggling with problems in this

thinking space misfortunes dissolve into

the abyss

this concept gives rise to the

realization that fixing is not the

essence it is the release of illusions

that cry out for attention

and there in the Stillness The Epiphany

spreads its wings

the realization Dawns that the notion of

Terror is just a mirage a creation of

the Mind

as the beliefs unfold you touch the core

the pure essence of your being the one

that has never been harmed

think then of the freedom that arises

healing isn't about forging a new self

it's about getting rid of the mantle of

beliefs that weigh down your spirit

and as these shackles are released

Clarity reveals itself you are and

always have been whole

What was seen as broken was just a

creation of thought

think for a moment that this reality

this tangible realm that we perceive is

like a projection not the solid reality

that it seems

think of it as a dream a tapestry woven

with threads of consciousness

some compare it to a simulation not in

the digital sense but to understand how

Consciousness brings this picture to


deep down there is nothing but


everything else all forms and

appearances are just different facets of

you shining through in different ways

however this is where the mystery

deepens we often perceive these facets

as separate and therein lies the root of

our search

why then do we seek love yearn for

validation from others

it's a seductive Quest driven by the

illusion of separation

the belief that love must come from

someone else that completion lies in

their embrace

indeed sharing love with others is a

beautiful expression but the crucial

point is revealed internally

this journey goes back to a deep Source


the love we seek externally the love

that seems elusive actually resides

within us

it's an unconditional flame waiting to

be recognized

the notion of being heavily dependent on

others brings up emotions of loneliness

powerlessness and a sense of being


but what if I told you that the source

of empowerment of fulfillment does not

flow from external sources but from your

very essence

this Revelation sheds new light

the quest is not to seek love validation

or fulfillment externally but to unearth

these inner Treasures

as you continue on this journey consider

the world not as a solid stage but as a

canvas on which you paint your


the Hues of Separation begin to blend

together revealing a tapestry woven by


and so the narrative unfolds a journey

to embrace the love that resides within

you a journey to let go of the veil of

Separation to know that you are both the

seeker and the sought

this awareness changes the landscape you

become the architect of your fulfillment

The Alchemist who transmutes the base

metal of longing into the gold of


the desire for external recognition

diminishes replaced by a deep connection

with your own being

imagine reaching a moment when choosing

others isn't a necessity where your

interactions aren't born out of an

emptiness in search of validation love

or acceptance

the truth is revealed in The Whisper of


what you apparently seek in others those

Indescribable desires are only fleeting or are they?

Shadows they come and go like waves on


but inside you nestled in the heart

Consciousness there is a reservoir of

something profound something permanent

the Embrace of Consciousness is an

infinite source of fulfillment a love

without conditions

this Source unchanging and constant is

not something earned it is a realization

of what has always existed a recognition

of your innate essence

no gift can really complete it no

deprivation can diminish it

the structure of your being remains

Untouched by external circumstances

Untamed by the fluctuating tides of life

this is where the concept of

unconditional love flourishes

as you Journey inwards as

self-realization unfurls its petals a

powerful force emerges self-love

this self-love born from the womb of

self-awareness possesses remarkable


it is the foundation on which inner

peace takes root a peace that remains

firm even when the world around you


this deep and intricate state does not

Advocate isolation nor does it condemn


it is an invitation to free yourself

from the shackles of dependence on the

love of others

to let go of need because in truth you

never needed it

it is a love so powerful that it leaves

you at peace with your own being even in

the face of turbulence

this love radiates from the recognition

that you are not separate from the world

you are the world

Consciousness unrolling its vibrant

tapestry takes on countless forms and

you are each of these forms

and so interaction cease to be a

yearning for completion because you

recognize that you were never incomplete

this knowledge echoes in every

connection changing the way you perceive

the world

this Essence this love extends Beyond

those boundaries for even the body and

mind are just facets in the tapestry of


and this love this deep Force

unconditionally Embraces every aspect of

this dream world

this awareness awakens within you an

intuitive understanding and

understanding that everything every form

and sensation is an expression of your


love becomes the very fabric of reality

a thread woven into the very nature of


this Essence is unshakable constant

never strain because it is what we

fundamentally are

even in the presence of fear this love

persists a gentle Embrace for everything

that arises

it accepts without conditions without

judgment regardless of the forms that

dance on this great stage

the ego tries to resist to reject This


yet curiously the very existence of the

ego is sustained by the fabric of

acceptance for without acceptance there

would be no ego


you have already accepted this and it

resides within you

now think of a transformation

as your sense of identity transitions

from the ego to a state without identity

you find a profound Liberation Freedom


here the shackles of identity Fall Away

a realm where the demands of the ego


this is where you find true freedom

you enter a state where material

possessions are no longer the key to

your well-being where the longing for

validation from others ceases to exist

you remain complete and whole Untouched

by the mind's Whispers of inadequacy

the mind is the artist of doubt the

composer of reasons and excuses that

obscure the truth

however in this state you realize that

excuses are mere illusions

you Glimpse the vast expanse of your

being the canvas of unconditional love

on which the dance of existence unfolds

the canvas of your mind once Immaculate

and untouched was painted with beliefs

that whispered about inadequacy about

trusting others

you can ReDiscover Your Inner Essence

overflowing with a love that exists


it's a revelation that can make you

think could it be that everything we

seek externally everything we believe we

lack may already be dwelling within us

the Mind wasn't born with these Notions

it wasn't programmed to believe that

something is wrong with you or that your

integrity depends on others

it's a journey of letting go of borrowed

garments letting go of beliefs that

aren't truly yours

so remember as you walk this path you

realize that you are the source of the

love you are seeking

the outside world doesn't hold exclusive

keys to this treasure it's a facet of

your essence always available always

yours to explore

embrace yourself Flaws and All not

because someone else has given you

approval but because you have rekindled

the flame of unconditional self-love

the external becomes a reflection an

echo of the love that resonates Within

it's a transformation that takes us to a

space where the mind unlearns and the

Heart remembers

the journey isn't about becoming someone

new it's about peeling back the layers

to reveal who we've always been

so remember the heart of this Quest is

the Journey Back to the love that has

always been within you

I hope that the knowledge shared in this


that you can in fact find your true

Essence so that you sit back and realize

that you already are and always have

been complete

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