He was in this trade for over 2 years and cumulatively after placing over 33 different trades on RILY adding and adding to both his Short position and straight Puts on the Option side.
Bring it all together the most Brilliant Trader on Wall Street hit 25,000% on a Single Idea
That's why he stands @ a Level all by himself
How did he do it?
So How did he do it?
Here's the thing You are either on the Inside or you're on the outside
2- You either have the strength of your convictions and the Resolve to stay the course dealing with the Uncertainty of your Catalyst coming through and the stock doing what you Believe it will do or you don't.
I will let you in or the truth 99% of you do not have the Character to do this and you 100% do not have the information we have.
Hence you pay us then do as we do and you are LIQUID.
The Formula