you discover your truest, most honest desires.
2522288000 seconds
70080 hours
2920 days
Spent with nothing but hope
I know my true desires
and I devoured study and knowledge of them during this isolation
And now I take revenge on Life,
the life that was stolen from me the life that continues to be stolen from me
I was already a Genius mastermind before all this time
now I am Legend and I
begin my redemption story and invite you along for the ride.
I have no equal in every Talent I possess
Sales, not one of these boys out there can come close to me
Advertising, copywriting, marketing no competition. I have the will of a Lion built like Leonidas 180 IQ and the Biggest Purest Heart in the World.
Trading Options i could lose half my brain and still outperform anyone out there
Expert in Health,Wealth,Self Mastery
I laugh @ what's out there that includes everyone
I will tell more story in pieces I don't think any of you could handle it all at once.
Join with the Worlds Best Leader
Marcus Nikos